Edge Innovations and Robotic Dolphins-
Robotic dolphins were developed by Edge Innovations. Edge Innovations is a company that specializes in creating high-tech systems used in a variety of backgrounds such as films, ocean exploration, and theme parks. You may have seen some of their creations before. They have worked on the movie Free Willy II and have worked to create dinosaurs at Universal Studios. Alongside these other works are robotic dolphins that Edge Innovations plans on featuring their dolphins in an attraction in 2022. These dolphins use pre-programmed actions and artificial intelligence to create an animatronic that is hyper-realistic, and are just as good, if not better than real dolphins, but without the liabilities.
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Why Robotic Dolphins were created-
Marine creatures such as dolphins and whales have been captured and brought into captivity for the entertainment of humans. Recently, due to movements to prevent animal cruelty in marine parks, more laws and restrictions have been placed on the capturing and transportation of marine animals and less people wanting to attend the marine parks as well. Many of these marine parks’ revenue have decreased due to these changes and they are struggling to stay in business. These dolphins are intended to be the solution to this problem. They solve both of these problems. The robotic dolphins are not real animals allowing the aquariums to transport them much easier than real dolphins. In addition, the robotic dolphins are not animals so the marine parks would not have to worry about being cruel to the dolphins.
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Robotic dolphins were designed to be just like the originals, if not better. People can get up close and personal to the dolphins without having to worry about the dolphins attacking or fleeing from them. However, these dolphins are just the beginning, Edge Innovations is simply using this as a starting point to create a wide variety of marine animal attractions, one of which being Great White sharks.

One of the major downsides of these dolphins is their cost. One robotic dolphin costs around $25 million dollars, which is four times more expensive than real dolphins, but these dolphins last longer than real dolphins and can create a more interesting and unique experience for observers. These dolphins also do not require the same amount and expensive care as real dolphins do. All in all, the inventors of the robotic dolphins feel that it is a much cheaper and more humane way of demonstrating the gratefulness and beauty of these magnificent animals.
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